Thursday, November 21, 2013

It has been a while since I have posted - mostly because this platform is blocked by the firewall at work.  But, now that I am working full-time again I am finding myself pumping all over town. I have to say I am very impressed by the openness of all of the workplaces I have emailed about my need to pump.  They have all had private pumping spaces (some nicer than others).  I have had to miss some discussions but everyone has been very accommodating.

As I prepare for more work trips I find myself emailing other folks in charge of venues to see if they have private spaces set aside for this.  What I learn is that what they think of as private I do not.  For example, a convention room with piping and a curtain is fine for nursing a baby but not fine for pumping.  Pumping involves more exposure and is less socially acceptable to do in front of others. It means I need a chair, a table, and a fridge. How do I go back and advocate for myself without getting stuck in a bathroom?


Back in the Game

 Monday, July 29, 2013

Today began my second week back in the office.  Therefore, my pumping adventures are in full swing.  I have been using a new pump, but also my old one as a back up.  Pumping for twins is VERY different than pumping for one.  First off, I have a lot more milk now (hurray!).  Secondly, I have two mouths and bellies to keep up with (boo!).  I learned last week that while we are apart I need to make 22 oz to keep with the twins' two feedings while we are apart.  That's a lot of milk.  When I was at work I pumped only 6-8 oz each time, coming up a bit short.  So, now my body needs to be on a 3-hour feeding schedule to the pump while the babies are on a 4-hour schedule.  And, after speaking to my amazing lactation consultant here are some other tricks:

1) get lots of rest.  (Ok, is this some sort of joke? How is that even possible with a 2.5 yr old and twins?)
2) drink a lot of water (check)
3) rent a hospital grade pump and leave it at work (will do this week)
4) pump 3 times at work, once in the morning before I nurse and two times at night, at bedtime for babes and bedtime for me.

In terms of #4, I don't anticipate anyone being happy, including me, than an hour and a half per work day I will be pumping and cleaning parts.  At least I can take conference calls and type emails.  Also, pumping 6 times a day?!?  This is nuts.  Looking forward to 6 weeks from now when we start solids. Thoughts and suggestions of how to get through this are welcomed!


Welcome Back

 Sunday, May 26, 2013

Welcome back.  That is what my pump said after being put away in a cabinet for the past year and a half.  Actually it said "whrrr."  To be honest, I was impressed it still worked!  Since I am now a momma of twins I rented a hospital grade pump assuming I would be nursing and pumping 24/7.  It's been ten weeks and I was right.  The good news is that supply is not an issue for this second time mom.

To date my pumping adventures have been few and far between - but there have been some doozies.  For example, being rushed to the emergency room with one twin and needing to pump there for the other at home on a BEAST of a pump that made me almost cringe when I put it on.  Or, going out of town for two days and needing to pump on an airplane, first in the bathroom (disgusting) and then in just my seat (awkward - not for me really but for the girl next to me).

I am becoming a pumping pro in preparation for my return to work and have received a free double electric pump to try and represent at events for expectant moms.  More later on my tips for successful pumping.


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