Back in the Game

 Monday, July 29, 2013

Today began my second week back in the office.  Therefore, my pumping adventures are in full swing.  I have been using a new pump, but also my old one as a back up.  Pumping for twins is VERY different than pumping for one.  First off, I have a lot more milk now (hurray!).  Secondly, I have two mouths and bellies to keep up with (boo!).  I learned last week that while we are apart I need to make 22 oz to keep with the twins' two feedings while we are apart.  That's a lot of milk.  When I was at work I pumped only 6-8 oz each time, coming up a bit short.  So, now my body needs to be on a 3-hour feeding schedule to the pump while the babies are on a 4-hour schedule.  And, after speaking to my amazing lactation consultant here are some other tricks:

1) get lots of rest.  (Ok, is this some sort of joke? How is that even possible with a 2.5 yr old and twins?)
2) drink a lot of water (check)
3) rent a hospital grade pump and leave it at work (will do this week)
4) pump 3 times at work, once in the morning before I nurse and two times at night, at bedtime for babes and bedtime for me.

In terms of #4, I don't anticipate anyone being happy, including me, than an hour and a half per work day I will be pumping and cleaning parts.  At least I can take conference calls and type emails.  Also, pumping 6 times a day?!?  This is nuts.  Looking forward to 6 weeks from now when we start solids. Thoughts and suggestions of how to get through this are welcomed!


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