What to do while pumping...

 Monday, August 29, 2011

In my past six months of pumping I have seen and talked to many pumping mamas who do many things while pumping.  In the beginning I did many of these things.  They involved:

1. Staring at a photo of my baby
2. Reading a magazine or book - a mini-break
3. Closing my eyes and imaging my milk flowing as I nursed Ari.  

You may laugh at these three but they really helped me transition from nursing at home to pumping at work.  Then, I got busy....Now I do the following:

1. Talk on conference calls or with the boss
2. Write work emails
3. Eat lunch and snacks
4. Do 1-3 all at the same time AND PUMP

I have always been told I am a good multi-tasker, but I feel like I am taking it to a whole new level.  I am one step away of video chatting.  For those pumping mamas out there you may wonder if I suddenly grew 6 more arms, really giving new meaning to the word "Octomom."  No.  Here is how one multi-tasks successfully:
1. Cordless, rechargeable pump.  I strap it to my hip so I can walk around.
2. Hands free pumping bra.  I love Simple Wishes and have one at home and one at work.
3. A private office (I realize I am lucky).  The windows are covered with cardboard.
4. A speaker phone or headset.
5. The ability to not get stressed while doing work so as to not affect the milk flow.
6. A sense of humor - because inevitably with all of these variables something goes awry often (mostly dropping food in my lap).

In fact...I am pumping right now.


Valerie August 29, 2011 at 6:45 PM  

Go Mel! As you prob. know I was a pumping manic. I should have been a wet nurse.

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