Welcome Back

 Sunday, May 26, 2013

Welcome back.  That is what my pump said after being put away in a cabinet for the past year and a half.  Actually it said "whrrr."  To be honest, I was impressed it still worked!  Since I am now a momma of twins I rented a hospital grade pump assuming I would be nursing and pumping 24/7.  It's been ten weeks and I was right.  The good news is that supply is not an issue for this second time mom.

To date my pumping adventures have been few and far between - but there have been some doozies.  For example, being rushed to the emergency room with one twin and needing to pump there for the other at home on a BEAST of a pump that made me almost cringe when I put it on.  Or, going out of town for two days and needing to pump on an airplane, first in the bathroom (disgusting) and then in just my seat (awkward - not for me really but for the girl next to me).

I am becoming a pumping pro in preparation for my return to work and have received a free double electric pump to try and represent at events for expectant moms.  More later on my tips for successful pumping.


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