My what big teeth you have!

 Wednesday, August 31, 2011

At four months of age Ari sprouted his first two teeth.  I have been told this is quite young.  We nicknamed him "Mr. Two Teeth" because his funny grin showed these two little nubs poking out of his bottom gum.  However, while nursing they became evil fangs.  Razor sharp those little suckers (literally) were causing me great pain.  And Ari started to treat me like one of his teething toys.

Now, at 10 months Ari has 8 teeth.  Each time a new one sprouts he presses down on me to alleviate his pain and causing me a whole heck of a lot.  When I say, "No biting mommy" he giggles.  When I scream out he cries.  There is no winning at this. 

In the past few days I developed a blister thanks to my little vampire.  It is a cross between a bite and a hickey and IT HURTS.  Pumping does not help the situation and I am concerned how I am supposed to let it heal when I need to use it several times a day.  I actually considered using a band-aid but logistically I don't think it will work.  One of my friends warned me I would get callouses from his teeth.  I thought, ok, I have those on my fingertips from playing guitar, that's not too bad.  But,  now I have been reminded of how painful it was to develop them!  Callouses on feet if you are a runner, or on fingers if you play an instrument - these are things I get.  I am not aiming to be a professional nursing mom and would prefer to keep myself callous free!


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